Many people ask what Light Energy Healing is. It’s actually the name I chose for my business about several years ago.
During the time I was choosing a name, I was taking part in a book club exploring Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map.
Putting words to how you want to feel every day is among the exercises in the book. ‘Light’ was one of the words I chose. It inspired my business name, Light Energy Healing.
The artwork you see is how I imagine the word ‘Light’ feels – warm, joyful, free and colorful (honestly, I think I dream in sunset colors).
I remember the day the vision of this graphic came to my mind.
I was walking through Washoe Park on a warm fall evening. The sun was glowing a perfect warm golden color through the cottonwood and willow trees . A vision of a woman with light pouring out of her entered my mind – and soul.
I couldn’t move past that vision or feeling. So, I went home afterward and started creating.
As I’ve mentioned before, walking promotes creativity. When done mindfully, it also raises awareness within your mind and body. This graphic work is definitely a product of that walking creativity and awareness, representing 'Light' perfectly.
While every day may not be rainbows and unicorns, ‘Light’ is still the feeling I aim for today.
Have you noticed days when you feel as if you’re on the opposite side of your lightness? It’s ok to feel that way at times. The spaces of darkness are where healing happens most.
Can you think of a time when you felt challenged, but in the end, you were able to overcome it? Recognizing the lesson is when you know some healing has occurred.
I like the meme that says something like, in order to grow, a seed needs to be covered in dark and struggle before eventually finding the light.
There is definitely truth in that saying. It’s a good reminder that you need to give yourself some grace when you’re feeling low. And at the same time, it’s also up to you to figure out how best to shine your light.